What is Radical Leadership?

Revolutionizing leadership --- Radical Leadership is not just a program, a thing you do, or a technique to apply --- it is a way of being and a legacy being lived out!  Becoming a Radical Leader is a call to uncommon courage, authenticity, and creative engagement with your life and purpose.  It is about realizing results that you have intentionally and deliberately designed and are taking full responsibility for achieving because you can and you want to.

Pioneering the way people relate to their positions and the responsibilities that come with them, Radical Leadership is for those who want it all --- the fun, the rewards, the impact, and the rich legacy of love, joy, and contentment that come from doing your job with excellence, wisdom, and pride.

Whether you are an individual or professional dedicated to your own development (growing, learning, creating, and connecting with others) or an organization that wants intentional, inspiring and responsible leaders inside your company, we have what it takes to get you there!

Wouldn’t it be much more fun to be jumping out of bed in the morning to live an inspired and inspiring life --- the one you are choosing!   Call us now to talk about what’s next!

How does Radical Leadership work?

We have many options available for you to live consciously and intentionally --- deliberately designing your life and leadership in a way that is inviting, exciting, and compelling.

  • One-on-one Coaching
  • “Engaged and Alive” Half-Day Workshop
  • “What You Want Matters” Full Day Workshop
  • RL Signature 90 Day Program beginning with a foundational 3-day retreat and on-going group coaching to anchor the learning

Who is Radical Leadership For?

RL is for individuals or organizations that want to take full responsibility for creating what they want while understanding that choosing to be fully engaged and alive in each moment will generate extraordinary results.  It is for those who no longer want to live at the mercy of circumstances and others, feeling powerless, overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed.  It is for those who know that they have more talent and ability than they have been accessing and they also know there’s more to life than just getting by.

Finally, it is for those who are no longer going to wait for someone or something else to make their lives better because they are taking the lead in their own lives.  They are willing to take ownership and authorship for creating what they want in any and all circumstances.

What is a Radical Leader?

A radical leader is, of course, many of the things that you might expect – courageous and powerful, creative and inventive, a pioneer thinker who is willing to risk being different from the norm. Key qualities, indeed, but we believe there’s much more to a radical leader than the obvious traits. 

In our view, radical leaders are individuals who live from a true sense of vision and take a stand for seeing that vision fulfilled. They operate from their own personal power, take responsibility for their impact on the world, and are deeply committed to living in integrity – with themselves and those around them. 

These leaders are fundamental in that they value simplicity, compassion, and the joy of being aware and awake, living in the present moment. They support the best in others and develop their communities with care and continuity.  Most of all, radical leaders are devoted to creating a future from possibility rather than probability – and to leaving a legacy that inspires others to action.

Living your best life is the greatest way to serve the world.

Are you ready to be a Radical Leader?

The Radical Leadership Program is your opportunity to be:

  • Challenged to move beyond old limits and live from a higher part of yourself.
  • Championed and supported as you grow and evolve, personally and professionally.
  • Changed at your core –  as you align yourself with your own integrity, intentions, and actions.

If now isn’t the time to take a radical step forward, then when?

Step Forward NOW!